Category Archives: science



Recently I was reading about the impending first run of the Hadron collider in Switzerland and am looking forward to it. Being in Mobile applications, the larger question of a home universe and multiverses interacting with each other has always been the crux of our operations. Particle physics on the other hand, takes it a notch higher. The model of the Universe built mathematically in the 70’s is incomplete. The world is emerging out of it and there have been many theories and theoretical particles like Higgs boson. Higgs is a missing element needed for mass to exist. Then there is neutralino. Dark matter in much of the known universe is thought to be mainly composed of neutralinos. These particles in theory only feel gravity but no electromagnetism hence making them very difficult to detect.Then the gravitons which in exist partly in the 5th dimension will also shed more light on the string theory-The 11 dimension ‚ A theory of everything. The Hadron collider may bring rest to these theories.Here is something, It would mean More possibilities and maybe end of infinity? With different multiverses there is possibility of them having different sets of rules completely different from each other. Will there then be a limit to the number of possibilities bringing an end to Omniverse and in turn infinity?
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